Dr. Emanuel Revici was a Romanian-born physician who applied his wide-ranging discoveries for over sixty years to the treatment of cancer as well as many other disorders. (5) Dr. Revici’s research led him to the discovery of “therapeutic agents”, as he called select lipids he administered to countless patients during a span of seven decades. His life work became centered on lipids. (1)
Revici Lipid Therapy Information Links
1) An Interview with Dr. Revici: Lipid Selenium and Sulfur, Cancer, Viruses and AIDS
This video is testimony given by Dr. Revici himself about his experiences over 70 years and thousands of patients. He gives many personal accounts of patients with advanced cancers and other serious diseases who experienced positive results with his therapies. Dr. Revici’s research led him to the discovery of “therapeutic agents”, as he called select lipids he administered to countless patients during a span of seven decades. His life work became centered on lipids and he wrote over 800 pages of research on this subject. These lipids not only induced significant remissions in many cancers, they did so without any side effects. Since Dr. Revici’s research was focused primarily on cancer he called these non-toxic lipids “chemotherapy.” (1)
2) The Doctor Who Cures Cancer
The story of Emanuel Revici, M.D., his medical breakthroughs, innovative treatments, and struggle for recognition. Forward by Seymour Brenner, M.D. Board Certified Radiation Oncologist. The controversial Emanuel Revici, M.D., made the bones grow back in cancer patients, and restored health to AIDS patients as well as drug addicts and alcoholics. His medicines lifted debilitating migraines in as little as 3 minutes. Revici’s reward? He was attacked and ostracized by the best. JAMA published false reports about his work. The American Cancer Society blasted him time and again. Meanwhile, word of mouth brought new patients to see him for decades. The smears didn’t work, so something more needed to be done. This is the true story of the greatest medical scientist who has ever lived. Find out what happened to Dr. Revici and find out how you can use the principles of his discoveries to reverse even advanced cancers and many other illnesses. (2)
3) Dr. Emanuel Revici, M.D. Speaks
An interview and panel discussion with Dr. Emanuel Revici where he talks about his treatment therapy for cancer. (3)
4) Patents by Inventor Emanuel Revici
Links to twenty-three patents filed by Dr. Emanuel Revici covering everything from AIDs to alcoholism to pain relief to cancer. (4)
5) Cancer: Revici Therapy
Dr. Emanuel Revici has developed an original approach to the treatment of cancer. His nontoxic chemotherapy uses lipids, lipid-based substances, and essential elements to correct an underlying imbalance in the patient’s chemistry. The Romanian-born physician…has applied his wide-ranging discoveries for over sixty years to the treatment of cancer as well as many other disorders, including AIDS, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic pain, drug addiction, schizophrenia, allergies, shock, and burns. Revici’s research has demonstrated that lipids have an affinity for tumors and other abnormal tissues. Cancerous tissue is abnormally rich in free lipids, and the lipidic agents introduced into the bloodstream are readily taken up by the tumor. Excerpted from Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book by Richard Walters. (5)
6) Selenium Compounds Having Antineoplastic Activity, Process for the Preparation Thereof and Pharmaceutical Compositions Therefrom
It has been found by the cytochemical analyses that selenium is present almost exclusively in the cytoplasm of cancerous cells. By means of analyses of atomic absorption, one notes that selenium is uniformly divided in the organism and is reduced in drastic measure in the period of 48 hours following the administration, selenium itself being transported by the erythrocytes mainly and being eliminated through the feces and urine. If the substance [lipid selenium] is administered to animals having tumors, the analyses of atomic absorption show that 75% of selenium is fixed on the tumors themselves. In addition, about the same amount of selenium is found again in tumors of animals after they have been killed, one or two weeks after administration. (6)6)
7) Interview with Author of Book about Revici
Interview with Kelly Eidem, author of the book The Doctor Who Cures Cancer about the life and work of Dr. Revici. In this interview, Eidem talks about how Revici got started on his research with cancer. Discusses lipids, pain, alkaline diet, and more. (7)
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This information is not medical advice and is certainly not intended to replace the advice or attention of your personal physician or other healthcare professional. Therefore, consult your doctor or healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or starting a supplement program.
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