3 Symptoms of Low Potassium Levels Why is Potassium Important? The mineral Potassium is an important electrolyte. Electrolytes are liquids which contain ions, positively or negatively charged atoms
Are lemons alkaline or acidic? Why is highly acidic lemon juice is actually known as a potent alkaline-forming food? Learn more about measuring the pH of everyday foods
Alkaline Diet for Weight Loss: Hollywood Hype or Real Deal? Alkaline Diet for Weight Loss It seems that the Alkaline Diet for weight loss is one of the
Eat, Drink, and Be Alkaline: Alkaline Diet Tips for the Holidays Alkaline Diet Tips for the Holidays The holidays are a difficult time to maintain an alkaline diet,
Magnesium is one of the most essential elements in the human body, but its importance is often overshadowed by the much more well-known calcium. But what many don’t
Sixty-five years ago, a German scientist and researcher named Johanna Budwig created the Budwig Diet Protocol as anti-cancer treatment based on her research into the connection between oxygen