Top 5 Alternative Cancer Treatments
|Top 5 Alternative Cancer Treatments: Increase Your Chances of Healing From Cancer

Traditional vs. Alternative Cancer Treatments
The three most common traditional medical treatments for cancer are chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. The available treatment options will depend on the type of cancer and whether the cancer is Stage I (early stage, localized with no metastasis) or Stage IV (late stage cancer with metastasis throughout the body). While all of these standard treatments have some benefit for cancer patients, they can also take a toll on the immune system and overall health of the cancer patient. For this reason, many cancer patients now choose to use alternative cancer treatments either alone or in conjunction with standard treatment methods.
All cancers share the same basic characteristics, no matter what form or stage. According to Nobel prize winning scientist Otto Warburg, “The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” Unlike healthy cells which have a very efficient aerobic (with oxygen) metabolism, cancer cells use anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism. Anaerobic metabolism relies on the fermentation of glucose (sugar) for fuel, which is a very inefficient process that not only creates an energy drain on the body, but also creates an excess of acidic lactic acid as a waste product. Cancer cells use more glucose (sugar) per unit of time than any other cells in the body.
Lack of oxygen has long been suspected in the formation of cancerous cells. Cancer is not an outside force that causes cells to turn anaerobic. Quite the opposite. Long-term low oxygen conditions in the body can turn normal healthy cells into cancerous cells. Low oxygen and increasingly acidic conditions can cause the breakdown of RNA and DNA, damaging the cellular control mechanisms involved, which can lead to the unchecked growth of these malfunctioning cells.
Traditional treatment options often do not address these cancer characteristics. That is where so called “alternative” cancer treatments come in. These Top 5 Alternative Cancer Treatments are aimed at targeting cancer cells specifically by increasing oxygenation, raising pH (alkalizing), and neutralizing excess acids in the body. These goals are all complementary with whatever standard treatment method is chosen.
Number five on our list of Top 5 Alternative Cancer Treatments is the Alkaline Diet. When it comes to cancer prevention and treatment, alkalizing is very important! Cancer cells rely on the anaerobic fermentation of glucose (sugar) for energy, which creates an excess of lactic acid as a metabolic by-product. The acidic waste products of inefficient cancer cell metabolism not only create an overall acidic environment in the body, but also create an energy drain on the body as it works to buffer and neutralize the increased acid load on the system.
Decades of research have proven that the foods we eat contribute acidity or alkalinity to the body. Eating excessive amounts of high protein acid-forming foods like meats, dairy products, and grains depletes the body’s alkaline reserves. We can reduce the overall acid load on the body by eating more alkaline foods in our diet every day. The more alkaline-forming foods we eat, the less work the body must do to neutralize excess acids. This is known as “alkalizing”.
The Alkaline Diet is simple. Vegetables and fruits are the most alkaline of foods. All you need to do is eat more alkaline-rich foods every day, eat fewer acid-forming foods, and avoid unhealthy processed foods containing sugars, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, additives and preservatives. Other foods to avoid include caffeine, alcohol, gluten-containing grains, and dairy products. Overall, an 80/20 approach seems to work the best – consuming 80% healthy alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits and balancing that with 20% healthy acid-forming foods such as lean proteins, nuts, and whole grains.
The Alkaline Diet has the power to radically improve overall health and quality and life. Some studies have also found that an alkaline body makes certain chemotherapy drugs more effective and less toxic! Changing to an Alkaline Diet is the #1 most important thing you can get started with right away, no matter if you have been dealing with cancer for a long time or you are wanting to take steps to prevent cancer in the future.
Pros: good for cancer prevention, a foundation for all other treatments, may improve effectiveness of chemo
Cons: restrictive diet, may not be enough on its own, recommended to pair with another treatment
• Why an Alkaline Approach Can Successfully Treat Cancer
• Nutrition Information Every Cancer Patient Should Know
• Do You or Someone You Know Have Cancer? Why Alkaline?
Number four on our list of Top 5 Alternative Cancer Treatments is Rife Equipment and PEMF. Royal Rife (1888-1971) was a researcher who studied viruses and bacteria. By using the principle that every molecule vibrates at a unique frequency, Rife discovered that when increasing the intensity of the frequency at which a microbe resonates, it disintegrates from structural stresses. Through his research, he was able to discover Rife Frequencies, which are the mortal oscillatory rates for many viruses. Rife developed his Rife Equipment to generate these resonant Rife Frequencies for treating patients suffering from a wide range of diseases which he attributed to pleomorphic (form-changing) viruses, including typhoid, tuberculosis, and certain types of cancer.
In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife’s San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment using his Rife Equipment frequency generator instrument. After a four month period, the total recovery rate using Rife’s technology was reported to be one hundred percent. A University of California study was able to duplicate Rife’s results using specific frequencies to eliminate cancer.
Unfortunately, much of his work was lost or destroyed during his lifetime. Royal Rife’s achievements have only recently become public knowledge again. While Rife’s research remains taboo to mainstream medicine, there are an increasing number of European clinics embracing the technology. The clinics use frequency therapy as part of a prescribed treatment program complimenting traditional medicine.
Today, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is an emerging field which provides a new approach to disease modification. Echoing Rife’s research, PEMF devices generate a series of low frequency magnetic pulses that penetrate every cell, stimulating internal electrical and chemical processes. Some believe that it is not the resonance, but electrochemical changes in cell membranes which affect their pumping mechanisms. Other factors produced by the frequency machines, such as electromagnetism, sound waves, and light may also play a role. The theory behind the use of Rife Equipment and PEMF devices for cancer treatment is that Rife Frequencies help increase oxygenation of the cells, therefore making it difficult for anaerobic cancer cells to survive. Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of PEMF in healing soft-tissue wounds, suppressing inflammatory responses at the cell membrane level to alleviate pain, and increasing range of motion in arthritis sufferers.
Pros: may target viruses which cause some cancers, improves circulation, increases oxygenation, reduces pain
Cons: not all cancers are virus-related, more beneficial for cancer side-effects than direct target of cancer cells
• Rife Frequency Research
• PEMF and Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency
• QRS-101 PEMF for In-Home Use
• Rife: The Man and His Machine
Number three on our list of Top 5 Alternative Cancer Treatments is Bloodroot. Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis L.) is a member of the poppy family which exudes a reddish sap when cut. The rhizome’s sap is an escharotic — a substance that kills tissue. This flesh-destroying property is what makes bloodroot useful. Native American tribes used bloodroot medicinally for treating conditions of the skin such as ringworm, warts, moles, polyps, fungal growths, and skin cancers.
An extract of the bloodroot rhizome sap, sanguinarine, is a morphine-like alkaloid which has antibiotic, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties. Numerous scientific studies have indicated that sanguinarine has a promising role in cancer therapy and management due to its anti-proliferative effects including inducing apoptosis and inhibiting angiogenesis. In veterinary medicine, sanguinarine is used to topically treat proud flesh, warts and skin cancers.
For tumors at the surface of the skin, a paste form of the bloodroot extract, sometimes called Black Salve, is applied topically in successive treatments. Bloodroot’s action has been described as that of a poultice which draws out cancer cells from affected area. Cancerous cells are destroyed, but depending on the extent of involvement in the surrounding tissues, a large wound can be created at the site. This wound must be carefully treated to prevent infection, aid healing, and reduce scar tissue formation.
For internal cancers, a capsule or tincture form of the bloodroot extract has been used in some cases. But bloodroot is a natural emetic (induces vomiting), so the amount which can be ingested is minimal and something to soothe stomach irritation is usually taken together at the same time.
Pros: topical removal of cancerous tumors on the surface of the skin, some use for internal cancers in capsule form
Cons: destruction of tissue at application site, large open wound, possible scarring; capsule form may cause stomach irritation
• Bloodroot: A Medicinal Plant
• Sanguinaria Canadensis: Traditional Medicine, Phytochemical Composition, Biological Activities and Current Uses
• Medical Attributes of Sanguinaria Canadensis
• Sanguinarine Health Topic
• Dr. Kelly Raber on the Causes, the Mechanism and Bloodroot for Curing Cancers
• Bloodroot Cancer Cure Book
Number two on our list of Top 5 Alternative Cancer Treatments is the Budwig Diet. Johanna Budwig (1908 – 2003), a German scientist and researcher, created the Budwig Diet Protocol as anti-cancer treatment based on her research into the connection between oxygen and cancer. Dr. Budwig found that a low oxygen environment would encourage the proliferation of cancerous cells. Her research led her to the discovery that highly unsaturated fatty acids stimulated cellular respiration and worked in conjunction with sulfurated amino acids in the absorption and utilization of oxygen. The Budwig Diet Protocol, a result of this research, is based on the idea that cancer cells, which have converted from normal oxygen respiration to anaerobic fermentation, can be killed by changing the type of fats in the diet to increase oxygenation.
The basis of the Budwig diet protocol is flaxseed oil (the richest source of unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids) blended together with something rich in sulphurated amino acids such as quark (a cultured dairy product made from fermenting milk with beneficial bacteria).
Budwig Diet Muesli:
3 Tablespoons Flaxseed Oil (refrigerated in light-free container)
2 Tablespoons Freshly Ground Flaxseeds (use immediately – do not store)
1 Tablespoon Raw Organic Honey (local honey best – no heat treatment)
6 Tablespoons Quark Cheese (no substitutes)
3 Tablespoons Whole Milk (non-homogenized)
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Add cinnamon, vanilla, cayenne pepper, or garlic to taste. Or mix with fresh fruits, nuts, or berries. Consume mixture within 15 minutes of combining.
Pros: very healthy diet which increases oxygenation in the body
Cons: daily preparation of muesli mix, difficulty of acquiring and/or preparing quark, diet restrictions
• The Budwig Diet Protocol: Then and Now
• Budwig Diet Health Topic
• The Original Budwig Diet
Number one on our list of Top 5 Alternative Cancer Treatments is High pH Therapy with Cesium Chloride. High pH Therapy is a way to increase alkalinity (pH), oxygenate the body, and neutralize excess acids while targeting cancer cells specifically. The alkaline mineral salts cesium chloride, rubidium chloride, and potassium chloride are used together in combination with an alkaline diet.
Cesium chloride has been found naturally in drinking water in places in the world that have statistically low incidences of cancer. Cesium chloride was the focus of a famous study by A. Keith Brewer, Ph.D. which demonstrated that cancer cells preferentially uptake cesium chloride due to cesium chloride’s ability to replace potassium in the vital sodium-potassium pump which transports ions into and out of cells. Cesium chloride’s proposed mechanism of action is raising intercellular pH levels in cancer cells by transporting oxygen across cancer cell membranes while at the same time depriving the cell of glucose.
Cancer cells have a ravenous energy need for glucose (sugar) because of their inefficient metabolism which relies on fermentation of glucose in the absence of oxygen. This process yields very little energy in return, compared to normal healthy aerobic metabolism. Because of cancer cells’ constant need for energy, they are able to rapidly uptake cesium chloride, in place of potassium, at a much greater rate than a normally functioning cell would. Cancer cell metabolism is altered by the influx of cesium chloride, and this destabilization of the cancer cell from within can trigger the body’s immune system to respond to target the defective cells for removal.
Pros: quickest way to raise alkalinity, increase oxygenation, and neutralize acidity
Cons: potassium levels must be monitored, an inflammatory immune system response is possible
• The Cesium Chloride Protocol
• Cesium Chloride Therapy
• Kill Cancer Cells: High pH Therapy
• Cesium Chloride Research
• Cesium Chloride Information Resources
• High pH Therapy Health Topic
Alternative Cancer Treatments are Complementary
There is no one solution to cancer. Even traditional treatments do not work for everyone, otherwise we would live in a world free from cancer. Alternative cancer treatments can be used together with standard therapies in a combined proactive approach to improve overall health and quality of life. By making certain changes, you can dramatically increase your chances of healing from cancer, no matter what type it is. It is never too early or too late to try.
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The information contained herein is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of your personal physician or other health care professionals. Consult your doctor or health care professional before making any changes to your diet or starting a supplement program.
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