Cancer Survivor Stories

This is a series of interviews with real cancer survivors who have used a variety of alternative cancer treatments and therapies to overcome their cancer diagnosis.

Prostate Cancer Survivor—Nuna's Dad's Story

Prostate Cancer Survivor — Nuna’s Dad’s Story

When Nuna's dad was diagnosed with advance prostate cancer, he was only given two months to live. The family knew chemotherapy would be too much for him to handle, so instead they hoped to find the best way to ease ...
Multiple Myeloma Cancer Survivor

Multiple Myeloma Cancer Survivor—Jack’s Story

Jack was first diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma over a decade ago. His doctor, a prestigious specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard University in Boston, recommended that he meet a fellow multiple myeloma sufferer who had dramatic results trying something ...
Lymphoma Cancer Survivor—Ann's Dog's Story

Lymphoma Cancer Survivor—Ann’s Dog’s Story

Back in November, Ann from Florida contacted us with an amazing success story. Her dog is now a lymphoma cancer survivor – a Christmas miracle! She has shared her story with us below. Lymphoma Cancer Survivor — Ann's Dog's Story ...
Metastatic Prostate Cancer Survivor—James' Story

Metastatic Prostate Cancer Survivor—James’ Story

James is a metastatic prostate cancer survivor. Two years after having a prostatectomy, the cancer returned and had spread into his bones. James turned to cesium chloride this time, and 90 days later, to his doctor's disbelief, his cancer scan ...
Stage 3 Colorectal Cancer Survivor — Mike's Story

Stage 3 Colorectal Cancer Survivor — Mike’s Story

Mike is a colorectal cancer survivor. Back in 2002, he was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. He turned to his years of research into alternative cancer therapies and chose to follow the Gerson Protocol of juicing and fasting. Four ...

Two Time Colon Cancer Survivor – Theresa’s Story

Theresa's doctor fully expected her to spend the summer of 2019 lying in bed slowly dying of inoperable colon cancer. Instead she was out kayaking, gardening, and traveling! This wasn't the first time she had beaten cancer. Hear her amazing ...
Prostate Cancer Survivor Dennis' Story

Prostate Cancer Survivor – Dennis’ Story

Dennis is an 85 year old Stage 4 Prostate Cancer survivor. Nine years ago, Dennis' doctor only gave him 2 1/2 months to live. Several months later, Dennis shocked his doctor when he returned cancer-free. Learn about Dennis' amazing story ...
Anal Cancer Survivor – Patti's Story

Anal Cancer Survivor – Patti’s Story

When Patti was diagnosed with anal cancer for the second time, she refused to let fear stand in her way. With the help of her faith and friends, she has been blessed with the gift of health and healing. Hear ...
Stage 4 Cancer Survivor – Annie's Story

Stage 4 Cancer Survivor – Annie’s Story

Annie is a stage 4 cancer survivor. In 2010, she was only given 3 weeks to live. Her doctor told her that there was nothing that they could do for her. She decided to take matters into her own hands ...
Nasal Cancer Survivor – Kay's Dog's Story

Nasal Cancer Survivor – Kay’s Dog’s Story

Dog nasal cancer is usually a deadly diagnosis, but Kay's dog is a nasal cancer survivor! Positive outcomes are possible and Kay's dog is living proof. Cancer Survivor Stories: Alternative Cancer Treatments & Therapies This is a series of interviews ...
Lymphoma Survivor – Don's Story

Lymphoma Survivor – Don’s Story

"I was diagnosed with Lymphoma in 2000. It’s now the end of 2018 and I am symptom-free." Don is a lymphoma survivor. Read his cancer survivor story. Cancer Survivor Stories: Alternative Cancer Treatments & Therapies This is a series of ...

The transcripts of these cancer survivor stories and interviews are provided in their own words, and represent their individual experiences, opinions, and personal views. These results may not be typical and may not reflect the average experience. The statements and testimonies in these interviews are strictly personal. Essense of Life does not necessarily share the same opinions or views. These testimonies are not to be construed in any way to claim that dietary supplements are intended as a treatment or cure for any disease. Always consult your doctor before starting any dietary supplement protocol. This is a personal account of one individual’s experiences with alternative cancer therapies. Positive results are not typical, nor guaranteed. Dietary supplements are not a treatment or cure for any disease. Please consult your healthcare professional before starting any new dietary program.

Cancer Survivor Stories

Are you a cancer survivor? Do you have a story you want to share? We’d love to hear from you about your experiences with alternative cancer treatments and therapies. Please contact us here.

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This article is copyright ©2020 Essense of Life, LLC. All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission.

This information is not medical advice and is certainly not intended to replace the advice or attention of your personal physician or other healthcare professional. Therefore, consult your doctor or healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or starting a supplement program.

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