Lymphoma Cancer Survivor—Ann’s Dog’s Story
Back in November, Ann from Florida contacted us with an amazing success story. Her dog is now a lymphoma cancer survivor – a Christmas miracle! She has shared her story with us below.

Cancer Survivor Stories: Alternative Cancer Treatments & Therapies
This is a series of interviews with real cancer survivors who have used a variety of alternative cancer treatments and therapies to overcome their cancer diagnosis. The transcripts of these cancer survivor interviews are provided in their own words, and represent their individual experiences, opinions, and personal views. These results may not be typical and may not reflect the average experience.
The statements and testimonies in these interviews are strictly personal. Essense of Life does not necessarily share the same opinions or views as our customers. These testimonies are not to be construed in any way to claim that dietary supplements are intended as a treatment or cure for any disease. Essense of Life does not condone the use of our products beyond the labeled indications. Always consult your doctor before starting any dietary supplement protocol.
The purpose of this series is to provide an outlet for people to share their stories with others, and is strictly for educational purposes only. These interviews are not an endorsement for any particular product or protocol – most people use a combination of approaches to find what works best for them.
This is a personal account of one individual’s experiences with alternative cancer therapies. Results are not typical, nor guaranteed.
Lymphoma Cancer Survivor
When Ann found out that her beloved dog Libby had lymphoma, she decided against chemotherapy and started looking into other things she could do to help her dog.
Libby’s Diagnosis
I wanted to share my testimony about the role the Essense of Life played in helping my dog overcome lymphoma. Libby is our eight year old golden doodle who got diagnosed with lymphoma on August 6th of this year [2019].
After several trips to the vet and oncologist and ruling out Addison’s disease and hyperparathyroid, she was diagnosed with lymphoma. We opted out of chemo which would have given her a year but not a good year. She was given 8 weeks to live. She had muscle weakness in her back legs and would fall down the stairs every morning. She was drinking water excessively and urinating a ton. She has accidents all over the house and was super lethargic. She went from 57 to 42 pounds fast.
Dealing With Loss of Appetite
I brought her home and began giving her some detox tinctures and immune building tinctures which I researched and found. I then knew I had to change her food but she had no appetite. I got a prescription for Prednisone. This gave her some appetite but not enough so I got a prescription for a natural appetite stimulant. The Prednisone helped tremendously with the muscle weakness! She started eating.
Game On
We incorporated a lot of live real food in her diet and snuck in some supplements. We saw some improvement and a month later on September 10th went back to the vet to get blood retested. All of her numbers were in the normal range.
• WBC count went from 23.3 to 12.6!!
• Eosinophils went from 3495 to 1260!!
• Neutrophils from 16776 to 8568!
BUT calcium which showed she had cancer went from 12 to 15. Not good. She was eating a lot but had only gained 2 pounds in one month. Enter Essense of Life. I ordered hydrazine sulfate to stop the cachexia. Upon ordering, I immediately got a phone call asking me the weight of my dog and then advice on how much to give to Libby. This stopped her weight loss.
The Next Step
I was still not satisfied with her weight gain so after a few weeks, I ordered the pH therapy kit from Essense of Life and began giving her the DMSO and cesium chloride on her back, added the potassium to her food, and added the oxygen drops to her water daily. Once again I was walked through how to use each item via a detailed email. Also I received an email a couple weeks after my initial order just checking on how Libby was doing. Great customer service and care.
Today Libby is Cancer Free!
Now I began seeing the original Libby being restored. In November, I was back at the vet and the calcium markers had dropped to the normal levels along with all her other blood count markers. Libby was cancer free. I am thankful for Essense of Life for pets. They played a critical part in Libby’s healing.
I am continuing to use the supplements and will retest Libby in the new year. Ann (Florida)
Cancer Survivor Stories
Are you a cancer survivor? Do you have a story you want to share? We’d love to hear from you about your experiences with alternative cancer treatments and therapies. Please contact us here.
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This article is copyright ©2020 Essense of Life, LLC. All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission.
This information is not medical advice and is certainly not intended to replace the advice or attention of your personal physician or other healthcare professional. Therefore, consult your doctor or healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or starting a supplement program.
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About The Author
Essense of Life
We here at Essense of Life focus on educating our customers about the value of diet and nutrition so that they are better able to take the responsibility for their health into their own hands. Our Essential Health blog and store sites provide a wide range of informative articles and research related to a variety of natural health topics that we are sure you will find very valuable in your own health quest.
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